More Post Haste stuff
We have a new account. It's a biggie. But as with all new things at Post Haste some of the couriers can't quite get their heads around it. Also the company that we're working for forgot to inform and educate their clients and a lot of product is being rejected (needlessly!) and going to waste.
Classes this week 17 - 23 /10/2005
23 in the BJJ class tonight. Once again, we kept to the same theme and covered our sweeps by drilling our favorite and then working on a quick session of pass or sweep before finishing with a few rounds of grappling.
Wednesday 19th October 2005
22 on the mat for BJJ tonight. Started with some lite rolling and moved onto pass or sweep. Tonight we tried a new approach to escapes. Working with 6 on the mat and allowing their partners to put then in a hold or position they have trouble with, then working on escaping that position. Finished the class with rolling.
I tried to work the rolling the same way we used to do it at JJJ. Starting in 2 rows facing each other and rolling from there. Did not work at all! Far too many people on the mat. Which jogged my memory of training at JJJ and how there were rarely any more than 10 people on the mat. It's funny the things that come into your mind...
Thursday 20th October 2005
MMA class:
About 12 on the mat for MMA. Again we simply carried on with the Submission Grappling as everyone seems to enjoy doing some Gi-less grappling for a change. A fast hard hour with everyone adding whatever submissions each partner agreed on.
BJJ fundamentals my ass...
Only 18 on the mat tonight. As the class had only a couple of beginners we continued with the drill from Wed. Working on our escapes again, with one person being pinned in a bad position and practicing escaping 2 times before leaving the mat to join the cue again. This drill is working really well and everyone is taking the chance to work his or her bad points.
Sunday 23rd October 2005
MMA 10 on the mat, unfortunately I was not up to hitting the mats today. So I just left everyone to the submission grappling again. While I filled the new cabinet with goodies. Thanks Chris... For the last month or so I've been dragging boxes with Tees and Rashies and other goodies along to class (when I remembered) but Chris has purchased 3 new huge cabinets for each club to store their stuff. He's also tidied the reception area and put down some carpet squares.
So now behind reception is a cabinet full of our GSW merchandise! Tees, long sleeve tees, Hoodies, Rash shirts, beanies and MMA shorts and gloves. Take a look next time your at class.
BJJ fundamentals my ass.
Now keep in mind this is a sunny Sunday afternoon in the middle of a long labour weekend break. So as always the class was packed! 25 on the mat with the surprise appearance on Shayne Cox from Napier. Shayne runs the Will - Machado BJJ school in Napier and has over 240 students training with him. To say it was a surprise to see him is a bit of an understatement! Shayne actually made the trip just to catch up with us and join in the session. Another unexpected face on the mat today was Ko, I must admit he looked a it rough around the edges but I guess no sleep will do that to you.
As there were no new students we again covered our sweeping drill, where we set our favorite sweep and perform it twice before leaving the mat and joining the back of the queue. We then moved into our escapes drill again, allowing ourselves to be placed in a hold and then performing our escape twice, before joining the queue. Good class and a great turnout for the middle of the holiday. Thanks
Stuff and things
Finally got around to sending a BJJ Australia Newsletter. As most of you should know as you're all signed up for it yourselves..
Also did dome work on Sacha’s Reefside Site. Added a very cool new gallery with some fantastic shots of Wellingtons South coast.
If you haven't been checking John Will's Blog then your missing out on some great free coaching and training tips. John knowledge is amazing and the fact that he posts regularly and we can assess it for nothing is very rare in today's money hungry world. So take a look.
That's all for now, I'll try and post some more later this weekend. Stay cool.
The Reverend John Jensen @ GSW in Wellington
Due to a previous event being held at the venue we've had to change the day to Sunday the 13th from 12 noon!! **
The Rev is making a trip from Australia to NZ in November an dis coming to GSW for a session here is the information
The Reverend John Jensen
Ladies and gentlemen I give you 'The Rev'
"My name is John.
Some people call me the reverend.
Some people call me asshole.
One person calls me husband
and two people call me daddy.
I don't care what you call me, just call me."
The Rev is coming to Wellington for a one off seminar in Leg locks and Grappling strategies.
Where: | G.S.W. Wellington: - Level 1, 25 Home St Mt Victoria (The Mt Vic Dojo) |
When: | Sunday November 13th 12noon |
Cost: | $50.00 |
Contact: | 04 4770516 |
The Rev will also be available for Private lessons at the venue on Sunday. Cost on application! Don't miss the chance to train with "The Rev". As seen on the Masters Of Grappling DVD!!.
Watch the video >>
Jill, Donna, Melissa in Auckland
Dion took the woman’s class. I came back and caught the end of it. He was showing Kat some secret squirrel moves that we better all watch out for.
About our weekend
Jill, Donna, and I went up to Auckland got a chance to meet Mandy Stewart from Australia.
The 3 of us (GSW girls) flew up to Auckland sporting our GSW t-shirts. Geoff, you would have been proud.
We stopped off to visit Cain at the Douglas' comp and met some of our friends from the forum. Melody and Michael who contribute to the forum made the trip well worth it. Thanks for your hospitality guys.
The plan was to go to the seminar by Mandy Stewart then watch the Mania show that evening.
Mandy Stewart has been on the fighting scene for about 2 and a half years.
- Australian Womens MMA Champion- 2004 HookNShoot U60 kg MMA Champion- 2004 Queensland BJJ Open Division Winner- 2004 Queensland BJJ U63kg Division Winner- 2002 Queensland All Arts Martial Arts Champion (Open Weight Division)
It was great meeting her at the seminar. She passed on some valuable knowledge and listening to her talk about her training was very beneficial. She trains with a great team, including Adrian Pang who came to help her with the seminar. They are very focused and serious about her training. I got a chance to spare with both of them and came away with a few new tricks that they were happy to pass on. I’m hoping to travel to Brisbane at some point and get a chance to train with Mandy again.
Later, we all experienced a very “interesting” Mania show. Jill, Donna, and I all cheered as Melody smashed her opponent with a take down and armbar. Go Melody! I won’t say too much more about the Mania show. But let’s just say that we saw a wide variety of experience and the main thing the girls had going for them was the willingness to get up there and give it a go. The young girl with the rugby tackles will be an impressive fighter when she learns more ground skills.
I enjoyed a very relaxing day on Sunday, hanging out with Jill and Donna and rehashing what we had witnessed on Saturday night. Thanks for the weekend guys!
Post Haste Re-Branding
So, like everyone else in the branch I have no idea what the new scheme looks like. Also the simple things like a Press Release, Website update, Staff memo all seem to have been over looked..
Now don't get me wrong, I'm very excited about the changes. They're loooong over due and it's all about attitude, I sat in the office on Friday night and listened while several of the couriers and staff whinged about the up coming changes, well actually they just whinged about anything..
It's had me thinking about it all weekend. My problem is that they haven't done enough to announce the changes. It's a great thing to happen to the company. But there has been no announcement. Everyone else is complaining about the cost to them and how it doesn't sound like a good design or a hundred other negative things.
My point?
Well people have always said that you should surround yourself with positive influences. But what if you can't get away from them? I'm known at work as being un-approachable, very few of the couriers interact with me. Now that suits me fine as I haven't got time for a lot of them and I really don't understand their work ethic or lack of!
But when I get to class it's totally different. I feel really bad at the end of class if I haven't spoken to everyone! I need to interact with the people on the mat and what's more I look forward to training like nothing else in my day. I've trained Martial Arts for over 20 years, in that time I've met some great people and made some good friends but since becoming part of John's network things are very different.
Ko has described him as a 'life coach' and I think that's perfect. He has the experience to offer advice on every aspect of life and because we both have a passion for Martial Arts it's easy to relate to a lot of the things he says even though my experience with them may be minimal.
But now I find my life outside BJJ is changing, the positive aspects of the GSW mat are starting to affect the way I think at work. I don't mean thinking about class and the techniques but the whole attitude needed to succeed on the mat. There is no compromise in BJJ you have to give it your best or you'll get hammered. Add MMA to that and it becomes even clearer, you can't fake it, you can't just get by, you have to give it everything! The glass is half full not half empty.
The problem with this is that I want less and less to do with the people I work with. Their just enough to get by attitude confuses me. If you're going to do something why not do it to the best of your abilities?
Attitude is everything!
yes ads
Thursday 14/10/2005 BJJ Fundamentals My Ass.
If they put a hand on the mat, we can claim the wrist and quickly transition into a figure four from guard. If they place a hand on our hips, we can secure their wrist, grab their collar with our choking hand, and perform a sitting roll over sweep, using our choking arm to raise their head and assist the roll.
From there we secured the mount and feed our right hand deeper into their collar, then using our free hand we applied the same lapel choke from last week. As a variation, when we attempt the sitting roll over sweep and our partner frees their hand and posts, we can then apply the same figure four from guard again.
Wednesday 12/10/2005
It is great to see everyone coming along to the Monday and Wednesday classes, they are not a easy to handle day after day, but the need to get in there and grapple is paramount! All the technique and strength in the world will not help if you don't actually get on the matt and attempt the things you have learnt and drilled.
Well done to all those who continually come and roll, it's not easy on the body or ego and the results are not easily visable against your team mates.
Ko and co
Monday 10/10/2005 BJJ
A bit of a messy night and some people getting a bit angsty! Overall a good class.
After class Johnny said something that stuck with me for a while. He mentioned his fantastic win in the US earlier this year and said it had more to do with his fundamental skills than anything else.
He claimed the thing he had over everyone he fought was his ability to control and escape. He attributed the control and tightness of his game directly to his fundamentals skills. Pretty good recommendation for our club and training I think.
I also come across this email in my files and its relevant, Laurie trained with us for a couple of months, she had no Gi and was a bit erratic in attendance but was a really nice chick. She is from the US, here's what she had to say about the training:
Dear Geoff,
I'm glad to hear that you're feeling better and back in training. Thank you for the good training while I was in Wellington. I think that I did not fully realize the benefit of what I was learning until I returned to Santa Cruz and started training here again. I am astonished by how much my grappling has changed, and improved, since I left - despite my having taken a year off. I really don't know how to describe it, since many times in NZ I was unsatisfied with what grappling I did. However, since coming back
and returning to full-fledged grappling I am struck by how much of difference those 1-2 classes a week of working on the fundamentals made. I am grappling better than I have ever done before.
Please send my best wishes to everybody in the dojo. I hope that everything is going well there and that transfer into the new place is proceeding smoothly.
Best regards,
I'm sorry if this sounds like a gushy e-mail. But it's a pretty good feeling when you return to grappling expecting to get your ass kicked and instead find yourself with tighter control, better technique, and the ability to pull off fancy submissions that you never tried before. So here is another person in praise of the fundamentals.
As a low ranked school, (ie no Black Belt) there is always the question of stunted learning. By that, I mean I only know so much and as a result, I can only teach you so many relevant things, compared to someone like John Will. But on the flip side you're not overwhelmed with fancy low percentage submissions or skills. There is only so much I can teach you therefore your skill set will be that much more polished.
I do try to counteract this by allowing you to watch the DVD's for inspiration and ideas and hopefully that expands everyones games and aims n the mat.
It just seems that with everyones progress lately things are really coming along nicely. I just want to say Well Done!
Sunday 09/10/2005 Mixed Martial Arts
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Fundamentals.
Bright sunny day outside, and still we had 22 on the mat! Including 4 new members Today we went over some of the basic escapes from the Blue Belt syllabus. Stuff that is for the 4th stripe.
Starting with the Basic escape from Knee ride. Our opponent secures Knee Ride with their right knee on our belly, but we have both of our arms free. We first control their scanning leg with our right hand, then we post our left hand in their belly. Locking our left arm straight we hip away and then post on our right elbow and come to our knees, our left arm must be locked straight throughout the whole procedure.
Then we covered a variation on that escape. This time we control their calf/ankle and hip away until we gain our knees directly in front of them. Using our right hand on their ankle we pull sharply back and drive our head in their belly to the left, flattening them onto their backs and securing side control.
We then covered the 3 basic escapes from headlock control.
1. Escape to their back, using our hook to snag their leg and driving them face first to the mat as we gain our knees and escape out the back
2. Escape to our knees, this time we control their far arm and go to our knees behind them, then we drive them to their left and secure side control
3. Rolling escape. They have our arm trapped and have us flat on our back; we secure our hands behind them and shift our spine angle to counter their control of our base. From there, we bridge hard over our head and then roll to our left and secure side control.
All in all a couple of great classes..
Thursday 06/10/2005 Mixed Martial Arts class
BJJ Fundamentals
21 on the mat for fundamentals tonight. We covered basic armbars and really just drilled them over and over to get some reps in. Something that everyone needed tonight! Started with the Armbar drill from Johns Auckland seminars, just running through the 4 basic armbars in a quick drill. Well this quickly turned into a mess so I went back and started from the beginning.
Starting with the basic armbar from mount and moving onto Near Arm from Knee ride. Then Far arm from Knee Ride and finishing with Amrbar from Guard.
After about 100 reps I have everyone run through the basic 4 armbar drill, and it went much better.
Monday 03/10/2005
The Idea is to encourage an attack directly after the sweep. That way we can start to develop a swift attacking game as soon as possible.
We then moved onto armbars from side control. I received a copy of John and Daves Mastering Armbars DVD (see below) and was watching it all day. So we quickly covered of the following from the DVD.
Basic 'up and crush' armbar from side control. Preformed when we have the under hook on our opponents far arm.
Then, an armbar from overhook. Where we have our opponent's far arm overhooked. We control the pants on the near side and move around to top control, straighten their far arm our and swing through to the arm bar.
We finished off with the snap armbar from the near side. Our opponent is defending and nothing else, we slip our left hand under their right wrist and step over their head with our left foot. At the same time we sweep our right foot up behind their shoulder, as we sit back we bring our right knee up like a wiper to secure the arm.
Finished there and let those that wanted to have a roll.
Mastering Armbars, John Will and Dave Meyer DVD
This goes way beyond a meagre collection of techniques; the progressive structure and teaching methodologies employed in the development of this series, sets a new standard. But don't think that extremely detailed and concise instruction is a trade-off for quantity these DVD's contain a serious amount of information; enough to satisfy the most hard-core BJJ aficionado's. The first in the series, Mastering Armbars, gives you over two hours of instruction in two dozen of the top Armbars as well as loads of info on the associated set-ups, drills and solutions.
This DVD, indeed, the entire series, is designed with one goal in mind: to make you better. It has been thought out and structured to both deepen your understanding and significantly improve your Armbar skill-base. You are taken step-by-step through the learning process to the point where you can move on from simply having being exposed to new technique, to actually taking ownership of the information and really improving your personal level of skill.
Once you own this amazing learning tool, one of the first things you will notice is how committed both John and David are, to the goal of making you better. You will simply not find instructors more engaged than these two. So don't delay invest in yourself and get the first in this incredible Mastery Series today!
Buy the DVD online Now >>
I have it and I love it, I'll try and grab some copies to sell at the club and on Trade me
This is getting scary.. this shit is bananas
Some things take a while to filter through, we still havent been told or invited to compete ourselves. Clearly they dont want our money, whats another few hundred bucks in their pocket anyway???
Well here is the information:
Entry form
Rules and information
Wardancer and the power of the Internet.
Currently there is no reason for not notifying people of up coming events. None. If your having a BJJ comp in New Zealand wouldn't you let all the known BJJ clubs in on the fun? Well theres a comp in Auckland in 2 weeks, information is sketchy and I doubt any of our guys will go. Flights will cost around 300-400 at this late date and we don’t know where it is or what the rules / weight divisions are.
This conversation has been nutted out on the net before. If you want to read it here it is.
Im BJJNZ (funnily enough) and I know a couple of the other posters. Wardancer is from Douglas Jiu Jitsu in Auckland and I think he's a bit slow??
Anyway, to cut a long story short he bagged everyone for not turning up to the competition. A competition we knew nothing about. Well that competition has come around again and again we still know nothing about it.
One of his arguments was that we should have asked about it and also they didn’t know how to get hold of us to let us know. Bullshit! Try this test for me. Go to google, the worlds biggest and most trusted search engine. Type in BJJNZ see what you get. What you get is pages of links to us. To our sites and site that link to us. Try and avoid BJJ NZ?! You cant. Now try it for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu New Zealand or anything similar. What do you get? Us!
So yes once again New Zealands Largest BJJ club misses out on competing due to no information supplied anywhere! What a waste.
Sunday 02/10/2005 MMA and BJJ Fundamentals my Ass
The "Fundamentals my Ass", class carried on its theme of not following the theme.
We started out ok, with a few basic sweeps but it quickly degenerated into a mounted collar choke and roll to guard to continue the choke.
From a basic sweep, we follow our partner to mount then post with our left hand to stop their bridge and roll. Keeping our right hand deep in their collar we then slip our left hand onto the opposite shoulder and claim the collar / shoulder. We then place our head on the mat and chest through the hole for the tap.
As a variation, when mounted we claim the collar but they bridge us strongly and roll us over. So we close our guard and apply the choke from there. Then sweep them and repeat until we run out of mat.
Next we covered the single wing choke from the Purple belt syllabus (so in a way it’s still on track.. :) We secure their right lapel at chest height with our right hand. Then push our hand onto their left side and raise our right elbow, securing the label under their chin. We change the angle of our body, shifting our upper body to the left in a manner seminal to the basic armbar from guard. Then cut our left hand behind their neck and raise our right elbow for the tap.
Good session with a couple of new faces including one from Mats Aikido session on Thursday.
MMA, Mats and Blogs
Last month we started our second night of MMA. For those of you who don't know, the MMA class was becoming very popular after Alex and Phil's victories at the "King of the Kiwi Ring" fight night in Tauranga. So I decided to add an extra night to allow for the growth of the class. Unfortunately the numbers haven't grown as I expected and also I really don't enjoy the MMA anywhere near as much as the BJJ.
I think it stems back to the same problem I had with the other Martial Arts I used to do. During training there was no real way of letting your opponent know when they were beaten! Other than smashing them into submission, people would just keep on fighting even though you got several really good shots through their defence.
MMA is the same in training, unless you're going 100% every class then the training has a unreal or unrealistic feel to it and I hate it. It really doesn't make sense to go 100% all the time, as the injury and recovery rate would be devastating. But anything else just feels wrong.
So there are a few issues that need to be resolved if this class is to survive. Without doubt MMA is needed, it's wanted and we have the resources and facility so everything just needs to be ironed out and put into place for it to succeed.
As the club grows so does the need, and opportunity to do extra training. Some of you are using the MVD during the day and that is great, but you need to realise that the facility is run as a business and Jill and Chris need to find the money to cover all the costs of running such a fantastic facility. So please bare that in mind as you head down to train during the day.
I would also like to bring to your attention the Mats at the MVD are owned by the Budokan Judo club. I know that we look after the mats and we really appreciate them but apparently the Judo club is concerned that we may be destroying them some how.
Please take care on the mats, if you see any damage or blood or anything that looks to be wearing out, take the time to fix it or bring it to the attention of someone who can. The Mats are fantastic and I don't want the Judo crew getting a bee in their bonnet with us for nothing. We have our own mats that can easily fill the space but for Jill and Chris's sake the Judo club contribute to the viability of the club.
Thanks for taking the time to read this blog. Please if you have a few spare minutes click the links to the right and check out some of the other Blogs:
- Particularly John Will's Blog as there is some gold there.
- Ko also has a blog and although it appears to be in a foreign language he has assured me it's not.
- The Firesprite is one of my students and her blog is always entertaining and she, unlike the rest of us, has the time and inclination to update it regularly.
- Jill from MVD has her own blog covering the goings on at the Kyokushin Classes.
- Melissa has some of her fantastic art for everyone to see on her blog.
- Chris, another one of the students has a very cool blog. Like Ko's it appears to be in a foreign language, but he has a Martial Arts section that’s in English and always full of different perspectives on all things martial.
- John 'The Rev' Jensen is a crusading Reverend and MMA fighter. Perhaps the most unlikely combination I've ever heard of. His blog is mostly religious but full of good reading.
- Dan, another of our students has shot off around the world and blogged about it for those of us who like to live our live vicariously through other people. Lots of pictures and lots of very interesting places in our world.
That's all for now. See you on the mat!
Starting with the mount I quickly explained the advantages of the position and then took them through the basic mount drill. Eg. Keeping the position as they buck and bridge. Flowing into side-mount and onto their back with hooks in.
From there I showed them the RNC and allowed them to try it from the drill. Ie: keep mount, allow the partner to roll, hooks in and apply the choke.
Then we went through a very basic sweep from the guard position. Using our opponents forward driving aggression we secured their left arm and the back of their head/neck, making space by moving our hips to the right we then placed our right knee in their belly, pulled them off balance and swept them to the left, following them over to mount.
From there we covered some basic side control skills, weight placement and hand positioning. Our opponents attempted to dislodge us and we used our weight to control and flow with them. We then worked from the underneath and practiced the basic escape from side control to guard.
Controlling our opponent with our forearms we shuffled up until they are touching our forearms and thighs, we then bump our hips and turn on our side. Sliding our bottom knee through the gap we create and aligning our bodies straight with theirs and securing guard or instantly applying the basic sweep top mount.
Finally we covered the basic underhook escape to our knees in order to get our legs back into play without the need to go to guard.
All in all a good session. In fact this group were far more receptive than any other Martial Artists that I have taught. I find the instructor or the person who has invited you has a passing interest and their students usually do not. Teaching people with no interest in the subject matter can be a real chore. Thankfully this group came with an open mind and a good attitude. Thanks Matt.
A long overdue post.
Well its been hectic and there doesn't look like there is going to be any let up any time soon. Here's a quick rundown on what's been going on at GSW in the last few weeks.
We had a visitor from the US during the month. Sean Lynch dropped in to train on the same night that I sat out and did the Wellingtonian interview. With the timing of the interview I didn't get a real chance to interact with Sean and that a bit annoying for me as I love the opportunity to meet and roll with visitors from out of town. Any way Sean had a good time at GSW and it sounds like his NZ adventure went well.
Sean sent me this email this week.:
I lost your email address so I hope this email finds you somehow. Looks like you turned off the ability to comment on your blog, hopefully not due to lurkers like me :-). I lost my secret decoder ring and can't seem to view any of your archives either?
Anyhow, I just wanted to send a big thank you your way for helping secure me a gi and letting me jump on the mat while visiting your wonderful country. Sorry for kicking in your door and not giving you more notice on my arrival date. I had a great time and it was a good stress reliever from playing tour guide for my family. Looks like your interview that night made for a good article.
You've really got an impressive academy going on there. A nice group of people and some top notch instruction... or maybe it's just all the accents that sound so much more sophisticated ;-). My instructor has dreams of traveling to NZ one day, I'll have to send him your way if he goes.
Please come visit us if you're ever in Florida anytime. Will you or any of your students be going to compete in the Pan American's next year?
Thanks again and good training to you,

Thanks Sean, hope to catch up with you again one day.