I Have no words.

So here are some images worth about 72,000 words.

John Will Seminar images November 2004: >>


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great pics and an awesome seminar. I enjoyed it a lot.

Chris D.

4:13 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well here are about 900 words so there might be some stuff missing :)

John Will Seminar 24/11/04
A. Iranian dump:
Start head to head.
1. you shoot opponent's left leg, head inside, right hand around the outside. opponent sprawls
2. Keeping hold of opponent's left leg with your right hand, tripod up on your left elbow & legs, then collapse/jump legs forward to turtle, but much further in under opponent. your head out between his legs.
3. Sit up (tipping opponent over behind you, not lifting their weight) left hand grabs opponent's left calf, & pull to your left as you dump opponent off your right shoulder & take side control

B. Rollover from opponent turtles.
opponent is turtled, you are on his back (no hooks)
1. left hand cups inside of opponent's right knee, right hand in under opponent's right arm, palm flat on mat inside opponent's right hand
2. Fall over to right, onto right elbow not back, pull with left hand & left elbow against opponent's ribs

C. Finish #1 from rollover: kimura
1. Do the rollover, fall with plenty of space.
2. To stop opponent rolling back to his knees, underhook his left arm with your left hand, elbow behind, chin to the hand ("the thinker")
3. Now you can safely come to your knees
4. right hand grabs opponent's left hand, left hand grabs your right wrist to set fig 4.
5. right knee rolls over opponent's neck to inside opponent's right arm. (instead of stepping round the top, where opponent can block with his right arm & rotate out of the fig 4 & armbar you)

D. Finish 2: head-arm choke
1. from rollover, left leg hooks inside opponent's left leg, left hand goes up to opponent's right shoulder.
2. opponent can't turn away from you, so will turn towards you instead.
3. As he does, drive your left elbow to the mat, and forearm behind opponent's head. your head goes to the mat outside opponent's left arm.
4. you will probably be in opponent's 1/2 guard, so tripod up, bounce left knee free, left knee then left hip down to the mat on opponent's left side.
5. Staying on your left hip, roll opponent's left shoulder off the mat, point right hand to sky, then drive right elbow towards left elbow
6. left hand then grabs on/above right bicep, right hand behind right ear, take knees halfway back so can drive forward - "chest through the gap"

E. Finish #3 - pure evil armlock
1. Rollover this time is close - right hand stays inside & grabs opponent's right lapel, left hand grabs left lapel.
2. your head presses on opponent's left shoulder, legs run around to front control. opponent is pinned by lapels pulled under his armpits
3. Drop head into angle of opponent's left arm, release left hand grip. As opponent struggles, claim his left wrist under your left armpit.
4. Switch your base through (right leg comes down opponent's left side). Cup left hand under opponent's left elbow.
5. right leg goes over opponent's body, lean back to apply the armbar.

F. Choke from switch-base side control
1. Switch base side control to the front, lying on opponent's right side. Underhook opponent's left arm with your right hand, and ensure his left elbow is off the mat, controlled by your left hand. Keep your butt off the mat so your weight is on opponent.
2. Open your gi jacket, & with your left hand pass the bottom corner of left lapel over opponent into your right hand.
3. now your left hand goes under opponent's head, and receives gi back from right hand
4. Keeping a loose grip with left hand, run around the top to the other side
5. right hand goes behind opponent's head from his left to stop him moving his head away, pull with left hand to apply choke

G. Choke where opponent resists
1. As for F to step 4, where opponent blocks your left hip with his right hand, so you can't get around
2. Bring your right hand back over to opponent's left side, and forward roll. opponent should sit up to follow
3. Come to your knees, reach right hand in to opponent's left lapel or shoulder (?), & pull to apply the choke.

H. Rollover from head-to-head.
1. Head-to-head, opponent is turtled, you are sprawled
2. Underhook opponent's left arm with your right, and get a slight overhook on opponent's right arm as your left hand cups opponent's tricep.
3. Spin 90 degrees to the left, keep your feet together
4. collapse/roll over opponent's head, flip opponent over you onto his back.
5. Bring your right leg over to trap opponent's right arm and take side control.

I. Punch-down sweep
1. opponent is in your hooks-in guard, your right hand grabs (fingers in) opponent's right lapel, left hand grabs opponent's right sleeve
2. Most important thing for hooking sweep is to bring opponent's weight onto you & your hooks, so try to pull opponent forward. opponent resists and backs away.
3. Lean sideways onto your left elbow, swing your right leg back and plant right foot (left shin will fold inwards as well)
4. Push off right leg and push opponent backwards with straight right arm - careful not to get armbarred, but come forward and pass the guard

10:06 am  

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